Invite a Friend

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Your friend's email address (more than one? use commas eg. [email protected],[email protected]):
Your message:
Content:I thought you might want to know that Myngle is currently offering a Learning Boost.

Instead of taking a long lesson just a few times a month, you can take shorter lessons more
frequently and your learning progress will be much faster. You will get:

  • unlimited 30-minute lessons during 30 days from your subscription date (one daily lesson max)
  • no payment for each lesson is needed, just a fixed subscription of EUR 99
  • subscription is open to the first 200 lucky students who subscribe
  • you can book any teacher listed in Myngle with a price at or below EUR 15

You can subscribe for the Myngle Learning Boost at
where you can also find more information about the campaign.

Happy Myngling!