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English Advanced- C1  
 English, Advanced
<p>During this 40-lesson course you will work on understanding a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. You will be able to express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. You will learn to communicate effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. The conversation lessons will be used to review the assignments and talk with your teacher extensively about the topics of the previous lesson.<br /><em><br /></em></p>
Mr Yin
This teacher is Myngle certified
This teacher is Myngle certified
Julia Okun
This teacher is Myngle certified
roberta allan
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English Basic - A1 written by: EnglishTutor  
 English, Basic
<p>This is a 30-lesson course which will teach you how to get by in everyday situations with more than 300 words of the English language. During this course you will learn how to introduce yourself, others and how to greet each other. You will be able to talk about your family, hobbies and the weather. You will learn how to give and understand directions, ask for help, converse on the phone and make appointments.<br /><em><br /></em></p>
This teacher is Myngle certified
This teacher is Myngle certified
Mr Yin
This teacher is Myngle certified
Julia Okun
This teacher is Myngle certified
roberta allan
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English Intermediate-B1  
 English, Intermediate
<p>In this 30-lesson course you will gain a vocabulary of 1200 words. You will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where English is spoken. You will learn to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. You will describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.<br /><em><br /></em></p>
This teacher is Myngle certified
Mr Yin
This teacher is Myngle certified
Julia Okun
This teacher is Myngle certified
roberta allan
This teacher is Myngle certified
This teacher is Myngle certified
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English Pre-Intermediate- A2 written by: EnglishTutor  
 English, Pre-Intermediate
<p>This is a 30-lesson course which will give you a vocabulary of more than 600 words. During this course you will learn how to describe things and their position, order at a restaurant, write a postcard, talk about the future and how to express past events You will be able to talk about work, school, likes, dislikes and about daily routine.<br /><em><br /></em></p>
This teacher is Myngle certified
Mr Yin
This teacher is Myngle certified
Julia Okun
This teacher is Myngle certified
roberta allan
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English Upper-Intermediate- B2  
 English, Upper-Intermediate
<p>In this 40-lesson course you will reach the level of upper-intermediate and gain a vocabulary of 2400 words. You will learn to understand newspaper articles and short stories. You will be able to comment on news, review a product and write an advertisement. You will learn how to talk about controversial ethical and cultural issues like death penalty, abortion and homosexuality.<br /><em><br /></em></p>
This teacher is Myngle certified
Mr Yin
This teacher is Myngle certified
Julia Okun
This teacher is Myngle certified
roberta allan
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