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Thursday, May 06, 2021  
    Great job today, Ikuko. I appreciated your work on pronunciation today, especially between the “l’ and “r” sounds. In our book, we practiced both reading and listening to different consonant sounds, and did a GBC practice question. Here are some tips for you: Tip: practice “generally” “participate” and “world” like I showed you. Tip: when talking about social activism, remember that activism is like a cause or movement
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Sunday, May 02, 2021  
    Lesson 2 of 2: GBC B2 Unit 41; In today's lesson you practiced consonant sounds /l/ sound as in ‘late’ and the consonant sound /r/ sound as in ‘rate’. GBC practice - interpersonal questions. You practiced using anecdotes to support your answers.
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Sunday, May 02, 2021  
    Lesson 1 of 2: GBC B2 Unit 40; In this lesson you worked on your pronunciation and you reviewed how to expand on your point- review; GBC practice: cultural diversity. Language feedback below.
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Friday, April 30, 2021  
    In this session we focused on fluency and did a GBC exam simulation
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Friday, April 30, 2021  
Christopher J
Christopher J
    It was a pleasure getting a chance to meet you in class today and you're doing an excellent job with expressing yourself in English. I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to covers some more material but I look forward to being able to do so with you in a future class.
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Thursday, April 29, 2021  
Becki D
Becki D
    It was lovely to meet you today Ikuko. You successfully completed the word explanation task, you were able to explain them clearly using a variety of synonyms in order to explain the specific vocabulary. We also discussed culture differences and current news stories. You were able to explain and develop your ideas clearly. Well done!
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Thursday, April 29, 2021  
    Student and I focused on a business related document, Facebook & Apple. Student read and summarised it. Good understanding from student.
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Thursday, April 29, 2021  
    Good afternoon Ikuko, very nice to meet you for the first time for a lesson. Thank you for your effort and your contribution during the conversation exercise. Enjoy your national holiday and golden week next week. See you next time you are free.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021  
    In today's class you worked on improving body language, and we also looked at effective ways to buy time at the beginning. You did well when structuring your answer and were able to defend your positions effectively. Continue working on pronunciation (s/sh, r/l) and building vocabulary. Lesson 45- B2- GBC GBC Wrap Up 2/2.
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Sunday, May 31, 2020  
    Good job Ikuko in today's lesson! You did well in using appropriate vocabulary to describe trends. Keep practicing and we'll learn more in our next lesson.
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