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Date   Teacher   Rating   Comment
Sunday, November 11, 2018  
Rachel Clemons
Rachel Clemons
    GBC B2 Unit 2 p. 6-finish: giving your opinion on various topics, reviewing linking phrases, as well as practicing the proper form for GBC responses. I appreciate your careful listening and effort during today's lesson, Ikuko! With more practice, you will be able to clarify your responses.
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Sunday, November 11, 2018  
    GBC B2 Unit 2 Pages 1 -8. Excellent work today! You worked on expanding your answers by answering a series of follow up questions. You also worked on eliminating false starts from your answers. As a result, your answers were easier to follow and understand.
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Saturday, November 10, 2018  
    GBC, B2, Unit 1 GBC home work questions and Unit 2 Pages 1 - 5. Great work today. You were able to support your ideas with evidence. However, you struggled a bit to express your ideas clearly due to limited vocabulary. Please consider reading authentic texts to improve your business vocabulary.
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Saturday, November 10, 2018  
Jane K
Jane K
    At Ikuko's request we switched to GBC course (GBC, B2, Unit 1) and talked about media. We also revised grammar, learned to expand on our point, give examples and support our ideas. Ikuko is already able to give detailed answers; points to improve: [r]/[l].
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Friday, November 09, 2018  
    It was nice to meet you today, Ikuko! Today we used a number of phrases to talk about the present in the correct tense, simple or continuous. You also presented your current company. Good job with the grammar!
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Friday, November 09, 2018  
Rachel Clemons
Rachel Clemons
    Conversational lesson: personal backgrounds, impressions of the American political process, past work experience, travel experience, and upcoming holidays. It was wonderful to meet and work with you today, Ikuko! You are a confident speaker and make grammatical mistakes infrequently.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018  
    BRUI Unit 1 Pages 13 - 14. You displayed excellent listening and speaking skills. Keep up the great work.
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Saturday, November 03, 2018  
Jane K
Jane K
    Ikuko chose to study Business English course, so we talked about First Impressions, Making a follow up call, Arranging to meet (BR, B2, Unit 1, to slide 12). We watched and discussed a video and made a mock follow-up call. Well done, Ikuko! It was very nice meeting you!
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