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Date   Teacher   Rating   Comment
Thursday, July 20, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 12 to page 20. Today we read two articles and commented on them. We spoke about ways statistics can be manipulated. We also looked briefly at ways we can use reported speech.
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Monday, July 17, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 12 to page 15. Today we identified words to describe trends. We worked with them and identified their position on a scale.
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Friday, July 07, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 11 to page 13. You expressed yourself clearly and all tasks were completed well. I appreciate your engagement. Have a good weekend.
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Monday, July 03, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 12 to page 4. I'm glad that you had a good time away. It was lovely to meet with you again. We completed Unit 11 and started Unit 12 where we spoke about data.
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Thursday, June 22, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 11 to page 19. It was lovely meeting with you today, Torsten. You demonstrated an excellent understanding of the probability phrases. Have a good trip! I look forward to meeting with you again in two weeks' time.
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Monday, June 19, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 11 to page 8. Today we matched words to their definitions and then used them in a task. We discussed the meanings of other words and then categorised them.
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Wednesday, June 07, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 11 to page 5. We worked with phrasal verbs again today. It is pleasing to note that you completed the tasks with more confidence than before. You spoke about change in the workplace, and I value your insight.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 10 to page 15. Today's lesson was based on audio clips. We spoke about the situations, and you shared your wisdom and insight. The questions were answered well. I enjoyed our lesson.
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Monday, May 15, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 10 to page 5. You understood the video clip and answered the questions well. We had a discussion about communication in the workplace
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Friday, May 12, 2023  
Claire P
Claire P
    BE B2 Unit 9 to page 25. We continued with the video part of this lesson. Your understanding was good, and the tasks were completed well.
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